Social Media Myths

Common reasons we hear for why you can’t or won’t join social media


Social media is just for young people! My Kids Are On It!

Not true! Although social media may have started as something for "Gen Y" today users of all ages are getting involved. Why aren't you?


  • The fastest growing age group on Facebook is 50+
  • 73% of business people visit every day


  • Largest age segment - 45-54 (36%)


  • Largest age segment - 45-54 (35%)

I don’t have time for social media

  • Start small, just follow, don't be afraid to lurk until you learn the ropes
  • Start on one social network
  • Your mobile is your friend, install an app and use it when you have a bit of free time
  • Find a tame teenager or medical student to help you!

I'm going to get sued

1. Be aware of the image you present online and manage this proactively

2. Recognise that the personal and professional can’t always be separated

3. Engage with the public but be cautious of giving personal advice

4. Respect the privacy of all patients, especially the vulnerable

5. Show your human side, but maintain professional boundaries

6. Contribute your expertise, insights and experience

7. Treat others with consideration, politeness and respect

8. Remember that other people may be watching you

9. Support your colleagues and intervene when necessary

10. Test out new ideas, learn from your mistakes – and have fun!

I’m afraid of the unknown (or change)

  • Don’t be afraid, it won’t hurt, social media is fun!
  • Find a tame young person or medical student to help you get set up (or attend on of our conference workshops)
  • You have to be involved to see the rewards
  • Start following and learn from others
  • Dip your toe in then take the leap